"Frog" Crunches/Gironda Leg Raise with Wicked modification -
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Display Name Post: "Frog" Crunches/Gironda Leg Raise with Wicked modification        (Topic#5794)
Wicked Willie
Total Posts: 16864
10-18-05 07:15 PM - Post#152357    

The Frog Crunch

Lie on the floor or exercise mat. Draw your feet up towards your crotch, until you are able to place the soles of your feet flat together. Let your knees fall to the position that gravity causes them to assume...don't force the position. Your legs should form a diamond shape, with your knees pointing to the sides and near the floor if you're flexible.

Depending upon your abdominal strength and length of torso, place your hands in one of the following places:

Grip the sides of your waist, with the hands in a V shape, with the thumbs down and the elbows pointing out to the sides.


Cross your hands and place your hand on the corresponding opposite shoulder.


Lightly touch your neck, cheeks, ears or side of your head with your hands. Don't pull on your head!

Now, exhale firmly through pursed lips and flatten your lower back to the floor while curling the torso upwards. (Like the first 1/4 movement of a sit up.) Hold at the top position for a two count, if you wish. Slowly lower to the floor or mat, relax the abdomen completely and then repeat. Three sets of 8-12 QUALITY repetitions will get the job done.

The function of the rectus abdominus is to shorten the distance between the bottom of the ribcage and the pubis. This is a small range of movement that usually only sees your shoulders coming very slightly off the floor. (The rest of a sit up is performed by the hip flexors and the frontal quadriceps.)

Exhaling firmly through pursed lips aids the contraction of the abdominals.

The bent knee, heels together position prevents using momentum to complete the movement and it also minimizes the contribution of the hip flexors.

The Gironda Leg Raise with Wicked Modifications

First off, you need to accept some facts. The leg raise is not a "pure" abdominal movement, no matter how you look at it or perform it. It simply isn't possible to eliminate the use of the hip flexors or the frontal quads...although you can minimize their action by good positioning.

Lie on the floor, exercise mat, bench or abdominal bench. Place your hands in one of two positions - either at your sides by your hips, with palms flat on the floor,


do what I prefer and place them flat on the floor underneath your hips or buttocks. (Although somewhat easier, it also makes keeping the back pressed to the floor easier and safer for your back.)

When doing the Gironda Leg Raise or ANY abdominal movement where you are supine...it is critical that you keep your lower back pressed firmly to the floor or as close to that position as you can manage. It achieves two things - it minimizes the contribution of the hip flexors and safely minimizes the leverage induced stress to your lower back. It is also critical that your forcibly exhale through pursed lips...for the reasons mentioned above in the Frog Crunch exercise...it heightens the contraction of the rectus abdominus, compresses the diaphragm and shortens the distance between the ribcage and pubis...which is the natural function of the abs.

Gironda recommends pressing the head into the board or pressing down on the floor, or even resting the top of the head against a wall. I disagree with any of these positions and here's why...it simply introduces a stress to your neck and head that is unnecessary. The Wicked modification here is to place the chin as close to the chest as possible and to slightly crunch forward, forming a very shallow "V" shape. This cuts down the ROM a bit...but it makes keeping the back pressed to the floor easier, eliminates unnecessary strain on the neck and heightens the contraction. How can you lose?

When beginning the movement, point the toes firmly and maintain this pointed posture. It really doesn't matter if the legs are kept rigidly straight or you allow just a touch of flex at the knee...but do keep the toes pointed.

Inhale while lying straight out in the beginning position with the hands on the floor or underneath the hips. Now simultaneously exhale, raise the head and shoulders up very slightly, point the toes and raise the legs as high as possible by muscle action only...do this somewhat slowly to avoid using momentum. (MAKE SURE TO PRESS THE LOWER BACK TO THE FLOOR - or the hip flexors will usurp the action.) Raise as high as possible...this will vary depending upon your limb length, flexibility and strength. There is really no reason to go beyond a positon where the legs are perpendicular to the torso...but some may wish to extend beyond that angle. (Gironda advocated going as far as possible.) Some (like myself) may only be able to reach a 45 or 50 degree position. Hold for a two count if you wish and lower the legs to the floor. Completely relax the abdomen and then repeat. As in the Frog Crunch...high reps are unnecessary, 3-4 x 12 will get the job done, if the reps are QUALITY reps.

"I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

"Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

Total Posts: 497
Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-18-05 08:28 PM - Post#152358    

George here...
I find your frog crunches intriguing..
If a student were to assume all the positional movements you described, but went up from the floor far enough to cup the knees with their hands, would the exercise be as affective?
Wicked Willie
Total Posts: 16864
Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-18-05 10:35 PM - Post#152359    


A student capable of such a movement with their legs in such a position is either freakishly strong or is using momentum to reach that height. If the hands are held out in front of the body till they can cup the knees, the leverage changes midway through the movement. Again, the abdominals only raise the torso a short distance through their action, then the hip flexors and frontal quads take over.

If abdominal development is the goal, such a range of movement is unnecessary. If extreme fitness or martial arts training enters in...do what pleases you.

"I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

"Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

Total Posts: 12221
Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-19-05 12:35 PM - Post#152360    

Thanks again, Wicked!

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Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-26-05 11:59 AM - Post#152361    

Bill, is this the one?

Wicked Willie
Total Posts: 16864
Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-27-05 11:32 AM - Post#152362    

Yes, that is a good picture of it. I hadn't seen this one before...the one I had in mind was in IronMan many years ago. Don Ross was doing the movement (and apparently feeling a burn.) Unlike this photo, Don had actually crossed his ankles rather than placing the soles of his feet together. Don gripped the sides of his waist versus the hands behind head position.

The hands behind the head is the hardest, obviously. The bad thing about it is you tend to pull on your head rather than feel the movement in the abdominals. This creates neck strain and often cheats you of the benefit of the movement, due to momentum.


Thanks for finding and posting the pic, Laree.
"I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

"Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

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Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-27-05 01:03 PM - Post#152363    

Great! Then here's the rest of the story:

»Gironda's Frog Crunches, excerpt from Dick Tyler's West Coast Bodybuilding Scene«.

Wicked Willie
Total Posts: 16864
Re: "Frog" Crunches
10-27-05 01:17 PM - Post#152364    

Man! I love the way Dick Tyler writes.

Note the (loose) strap across the hips. Apparently, Vince didn't need to be tightly strapped into position or it is just there for photographic purposes. Strapping the hips down helps to isolate the action of the abdominals, plus it reminds you to flatten the lower back toward the floor...further isolating the abdominals.

To avoid the muscle robbing effects of momentum...start each new repetition from a dead stop, fully laid out position. Relax the abdomen completely between reps

"I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

"Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

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