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Display Name Post: preacher bench        (Topic#31829)
Total Posts: 9
08-01-13 10:03 AM - Post#778506    


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Login Name: ldraper
Date Agreed to Rules: 12-09-10
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(Rhymes with Marie)
Full name: Laree Draper
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08-01-13 01:14 PM - Post#778546    

Nice find, those pictures!

Total Posts: 4382
08-04-13 01:12 PM - Post#778831    

Wonder if that is the one Larry Scott worked out on in the 60's??? I was there then. Very impressed.
Vince sure set me onto a path I am still on...
His personality did not bother me, just got out of the Corps..
"I live, I lift, I ache, I am." -
"I don't mean to be rude, but...junk is for jerks"
"No pain, no gain' isn’t a nursery rhyme, and 'only the strong survive" ...Etc...
Had to put in this quote...
Current Quote
"Eat better, train harder, be tougher, think surer and rest morer."
~ Draper
Dave Draper
Age 73
Semper Fi...

Total Posts: 12495
preacher bench
08-07-13 10:43 AM - Post#779183    

Looks like the one I knew and used.
It don't matter

Edited by cajinjohn on 08-07-13 10:44 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Jack C
Total Posts: 2683
08-31-13 07:33 AM - Post#781379    

Most of the glute-ham benches have a pad just like that. Even the split pad benches can be used for preacher curls.

Total Posts: 649
09-01-13 08:36 AM - Post#781422    

I know I would pay a king's ransom for that bench.
"When you look good, you feel good, when you feel good, you do good." - Elvis A. Presley

"If it doesn't hurt more tomorrow you're on the right track! If it hurts more... well that's bleeding obvious." - Stef

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